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Hodie Christus natus est, Hodie Salvator apparuit, Hodie in terra canunt angeli; Lætantur archangeli, Hodie exsultant justi dicentes: Gloria in excelsis Deo. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! |
Today the Christ was born, Today the Saviour appeared, Today on earth the angels sing; The archangels rejoice. Today the righteous exult, saying: Glory to God in the highest. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! |
Сегодня Христос родился, Сегодня Спаситель появился, Сегодня на земле поют ангелы; Архангелы радуются. Скгодня праведники ликуют, говоря: Слава Богу Всевышнему. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! |
Wolcum, Wolcum, Wolcum be thou hevenè king, Wolcum Yole! Wolcum, born in one morning, Wolcum for whom we sall sing! Wolcum be ye, Stevene and Jon, Wolcum, Innocentes every one, Wolcum, Thomas marter one, Wolcum be ye, good Newe Yere, Wolcum, Twelfthe Day both in fere, Wolcum, seintes lefe and dere, Wolcum Yole, Wolcum Yole, Wolcum! Candelmesse, Quene of bliss, Wolcum bothe to more and lesse. Wolcum, Wolcum, Wolcum be ye that are here, Wolcum Yole, Wolcum alle and make good cheer, Wolcum alle another yere, Wolcum Yole, Wolcum! |
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to You, our heavenly King. Welcome, you who was born one morning, Welcome, for You, shall we sing! Welcome, to you, Steven and John, Welcome all innocent children, Welcome, Thomas, the martyred one, Welcome, good new year, Welcome Twelfth Day, both in fear . . . Welcome Saints left and dear. Candle Mass, Queen of bliss, Welcome both to more and less. Welcome you that are here, Welcome all and make good cheer. Welcome all another year. |
Добро пожаловать, Небесный Царь, Добро пожаловать, рожденный утром, Добро пожаловать, мы будем петь тебе! Добро пожаловать вам, Стивен и Джон, Добро пожаловать всем невинныи детям, Добро пожаловать, Томас великомученик, Добро пожаловать, Новый Год, Добро пожаловать, Крещение, и в страхе... Добро пожаловать, Святые. Добро пожаловать вам, добро пожаловать! Сретение, королева блаженства, Wolcum bothe to more and lesse. Wolcum, Wolcum, Wolcum be ye that are here, Wolcum Yole, Wolcum alle and make good cheer, Wolcum alle another yere, Wolcum Yole, Wolcum! |
There is no rose of such vertu As is the rose that bare Jesu. Alleluia, Alleluia. For in this rose conteinèd was Heaven and earth in litel space Res Miranda, Res Miranda. By that rose we may well see There be one God in persons three, Pares forma,Pares forma. The aungels sungen the shepherds to: Gloria in excelsis Deo. Gaudeamus,Gaudeamus. Leave we all this werdly mirth, And follow we this joyful mirth. Transeamus, Transeamus. |
There is no rose of such virtue As is the rose that bore Jesus. Alleluia. For inside the Rose ( called Mary ) Were heaven and earth in a single, little space. Miraculous thing. By that rose, we now may see, There be one God in persons three. Created in the Parents image. The angels sang to the shepherds, Glory to God in the highest! We rejoice. Leave we all this wordly mirth, And follow we this joyful birth. We cross over to Christs world. |
Нет розы столь прекрасной, Как роза, что родила Иисуса. Алеллуйя. В розе слились земля и небо. Чудесное существо. Благодаря этой розе, мы сейчас видим Бога, единого в трех лицах, Созданного по образу и подобию материнскому. Ангелы пели пастухам: "Слава Богу Всевышнему! И мы радуемся". Оставим мирское веселье И разделим радость чудесного рождения. Мы пойдем к миру Христа |
That yongë child when it gan weep With song she lulled him asleep That was so sweet a melody It passéd alle minstrely. The nightingale sang also: Her song is hoarse and nought therto: Whoso attendeth to her song And leaveth the first then doth he wrong |
When that young child began to weep With song, she lulled him to sleep It was such a sweet melody, It was so very merry. The nightingale sang also, But her song was hoarse, it was not the same: Whoever listens to the nightingales song Instead of Marys, does wrong. |
Когда ребенок начинал плакать, С песней она укладывала его спать. Это была сладкая мелодия, Это было так прекрасно. Словей пел так же, Но её голос был хриплым, их песни неодинаковы: Неправильно поступает тот, Кто слушает песни соловья вместо материнских. |
O my deare hert, young Je su sweit Prepare thy creddil in my spreit, And I sall rock thee to my hert, And never mair from thee depart. But I sall praise thee evermoir With sanges sweit unto thy gloir; The knees of my hert sall I bow And sing that richt Balulalow! |
O love of my heart, young Jesus sweet, Prepare your place in my heart, And I shall rock thee with great love, And I shall never leave your side. I shall praise you forever, With sweet songs of your glory The knees of my heart shall I bow And sing the right Lullaby. |
О любовь моя, мой маленький сладкий Иисус, В моем сердце много места для тебя, Я заслоню тебя стеной любви И никогда тебя не оставлю. Я буду всегда хвалить тебя Сладкими песнями твоей славы Я встану на колени, поклонюсь И буду петь колыбельную. |